Why do you dry the urine instead of using the liquid urine?
Untreated urine has a very low nutrient concentration which means farmers would have to add incredibly large volumes to reach the needed nutrient amounts for optimal crop growth. The three macronutrients needed for crops are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) = NPK.
NPK in untreated urine = 0.6% N – 0.07% P – 0.16% K.
Our dry urine fertilizer: 15% N – 2% P – 4% K. This high NPK concentration is due to that we remove the water from the urine, concentrating it 25 times into a dry, nutrient rich powder. We then grnaulize it, enabling farmers to use the granules in their usual fertilizer spreading machines. With liquid urine, this would not be possible – meaning farmers would have to buy new equipment.