Our Solution

Urine is collected during excretion and diverted into a cassette that contains, treats and concentrates the urine. The output is a dry nutrient rich urine based fertilizer. The outcome of this solution is cleaner water, safer toilets and sustainable communities. The toilet can be any urine-diverting toilet (flush or dry).

We successfully preserve the majority of nitrogen in urine during processing, concentrating it to the ideal target level of 15%, and producing a solid based urine fertilizer. Farmers can easily store, transport and more importantly, use our fertilizer with their existing conventional farming equipment.

Urine treatment

Directly underneath the toilet, urine is stabilized and dehydrated. By first stabilizing the urine though increasing the pH, we are able to retain >80% of the nitrogen, 100% of the phosphorus and potassium while removing 95% of the mass through convetive air-drying. There is no need for bulky piping or large storage containers for urine collection and storage.

Collection and Transport

One of our cassettes can treat 250 L of urine. After which the cassette is exchanged for a fresh one. The full cassette contains the dry urine-based fertilizer. This can be used directly on-site or be transported to a centralized service station. In the future, we will not only haul out bottles, cans, and food scraps to the curbside, but also a container of a concentrated fertilizer for circular use.

Returning the nutrient

The urine-based Fertilizer contains the same type and concentration of plant nutrients found in commercial fertilizers. We produce a fertilizer that can be used with the same equipment as conventional pelletized fertilizer to make urine fertilizer use more accessible. Large-scale implementation of alkaline urine treatment technology could replace 19% of the nitrogen and 21% of the phosphorus used each year in commercial fertilisers across Sweden.

Advantages for Wastewater Treatment Plants

Our solution complements existing wastewater treatment system, by helping increase the capacity a treatment plant by up to 60% due to the decrease in nutrient load. By converting urine into a dried fertiliser, the flows of polluting plant nutrients to the environment can be minimised, which in turn helps to limit nutrient overload and dead zones in aquatic ecosystem.  This lowers the impact of human waste on climate change.