We are very grateful to be involved in many exciting projects around the world

In these projects, we enable nutrient recycling and safer toilets thanks to continuous research performed at the Swedish Agricultural Univeristy, SLU. The urine generated in every household is considered as “waste”, which is costly to manage and even after treatment still contributes to environmental problems. Our technology takes this “waste” and converts it into a valuable product that is helpful to the environment.


A 4-year EU-project… Keep up to date with each pilot region’s achievements here by visiting P2Green’s offical website.

Resilient Water Innovation for A Smart Economy – learn more at the official project website.


Our installation at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden. Learn more here.


A Vinnova-funded project where we’re working with Sanitation Ambassadors in Cape Town, South Africa, to enable urine reycling and safer toilets at primarily schools.


Investigating the potential to certify human urine as a fertilizer in Sweden and the EU.


Working with the local toilet rental company Touch Down to collect and recycle urine on the island of Gotland, Sweden.

“Your pee could be the golden ticket to a greener world.”