Recent magazine features
Towards the end of 2020, we were thrilled to be featured in Popular Science and the Modern Farmer as well as having co-authored an article for The Conversation. Read all about our simple process that can turn urine into an agricultural fertilizer. Here’s a short recap of which topics each article covers:
Popular Science:
- wastewater treatment around the world
- about the Rich Earth Institute in Vermont, USA
- how to treat and dry urine efficiently
- life cycle analysis of pee-cycling compared to conventional wastewater systems and fertilizer production
The Modern Farmer
- the flush toilet as a golden standard
- Sanitation360’s process
- a urine diverting toilet pilot project in Swedish municipalities
- recycling liquid urine at the Rich Earth Institute
- the big need for sanitation systems to be more sustainable
The Conversation
- World Toilet Day
- the evolution of the flush toilet
- separating urine and faeces
- steps to easily recycle urine at home
- urine recycling on a larger scale
- urine recycling project in Durban, South Africa
Thank you to the authors and magazines for these lovely features!