Världstoalettdagen/World Toilet Day Celebrations

🇬🇧On the 19th of November we celebrated World Toilet Day – a day we know you all have marked in your calendar, right? The Malmö-based plant shop “Plant that plant” was kind enough to host us (THANK YOU!!) for the day and we met some lovely plant people🌱 We also brought some home made posters and free urine fertilizer samples with us.

🇸🇪Den 19:onde november firade vi Världstoalettdagen i Malmö, en dag ni alla har markerat i era kalendrar, visst?!  Och växtaffären “Plant that Plant” som ligger i Malmö var SÅ snälla och lät oss stå i deras underbara växtbutik för at prata om potentialen att gödsla med urin🎊 Tack! Med oss hade vi några hemmagjorda posters man kunde få med sig samt några förpackningar av vårt uringödsel.


If you have a few extra minutes to spare, we would really appreciate if you could fill out our P2GreeN survey on your thoughts about eating food fertilized with human urine: https://krtknew.limesurvey.net/246383?lang=en

Fun fact: Did you know that only 100 years ago, Paris recycled 50% of its urine! Urine recycling is an ancient practice that’s provided people with a local fertilizer for thousands of years. However, these have all been in liquid form which doesn’t fit with farmer’s conventional farming quipment. However, our dry pelleted urine fertilizer does and we are super proud of that! It also contains much higher nutrient concentrations as 90% of urine is water, which we remove, meaning you need to spread much smaller volumes. But doens’t take away from the fact that liquid urine is a great source of nutrients too!

Big hugs from us and cheers to all the toilets out there keeping us hygienic and safe! Xx