Video about our installations/Video om våra installationer

We’re super happy to finally share the first virtual tour of our installations and other urine recycling projects all around Sweden. Maybe grab your favourite cup of tea or make yourself a nice coffee – and then sit back and click here to have a watch <3

In this video, we’ll show you:

  1. How we collect urine from festivals in only 3 simple steps.
  2. How waste heat can be used to run our urine drying process and thereby decrease the energy need of our system.
  3. Our installations of urine diverting toilets in both Malmö and Uppsala, Sweden.

In theory, urine can be collected from any urine diverting toilet or urinal. The three main settings we’re currently focusing on collecting from are from portable urinals at festivals, permanent urinals at sports arenas/stadiums and urine diverting toilets in public and private buildings. 

A big special thank you to our partners in Malmö, Uppsala and on Gotland who are making this possible and believe that urine recycling is needed for a greener, more circular future. Thank you also to Helena Norlander at VA Syd, David Rydell at SVT, Lovisa Nissen at Hushållningssällskapet Gotland and Achilleas Panteli at P2Green for your valuable help with footage!

We utterly hope you enjoy the video 🙂