From left; Tracy Kimathi, Dr. Jenna Senecal, Elizabeth Nsimadala, Ng’endo Machua-Muniu. Photo by Petter Alke from SIDA's panel discussion.

Watch our talk ahead of Stockholm+50

Photo by Petter Alke. From left; Tracy Kimathi, Dr. Jenna Senecal, Elizabeth Nsimadala, Ng’endo Machua-Muniu.

The Swedish International Development Cooperation (SIDA) hosted a lovely event to discuss and learn about the looming food crisis from agripreneurs. The day consisted of talks about “experiences from the ground on the agency of farmer and forest associations, indigenous peoples, local communities, youth and women in the climate, biodiversity and food security crises.”

Luckily, it was all filmed and you can watch all the presentations here, including Sanitation360’s!

Jenna Senecal, CEO of Sanitation360, shows up in the video at around 38 minutes in and presents our urine-recycling concept and its importance! But please don’t skip the other talks, such as Tracy Kimathi’s talk about her incredible company Baridi. Baridi, which means cold in Swahili, is a Kenyan company which offers a pay as you go solar-powered cooling unit for everyone from Masaai pastoralists to those with food stands at urban markets, preventing massive amounts of food waste. Genius!

Here is also a short one minute summary of Jenna’s key points from her presentation!